Adriana Bustos

February 8 to February 15


December 7 to December 14

Adriana Bustos – Imago Mundi XI. Wheel Map, 2012 Acrílico y grafito sobre canvas :Acrylic and graphite on canvas – ERASE THE BORDERS – a collective artwork for Bienal Sur 2021 (Uruguay)

A year of The Crown Letter – A strange anniversary

“Piedras de Afilar”
 Araminda, Uruguay, 2021
 Sobre “El tiempo Entero” de Cristina Nigro

December 1 to December 8

« Amazona » , mud and fungus.

August 18 to August 31

Adriana Bustos, Quarantine sightings, 2020, 30 x 30 cm, Watercolour on cotton handmade paper

June 30 to July 7

Trailer of a film



June 16 to June 23






June 2 to  June 9


May 19 to May 26

May 12 to May 19

Born in 1965 in Bahía Blanca, Argentina. Graduated from the School of Fine Arts and Psychology at University of Córdoba. She has participated in biennials like: 2020, Dahka Art Summit, Bangladesh; 2019, Cosmopolis 2 , Pompidou Art Center, Paris; Sharjah Biennal ,2019; Bienal Sur Global, Argentina ; Site Santa Fé (USA); Biennal of Montevideo Uruguay, ; Les Atelliers de Rennes (France); 11 Istambul Biennal (Turkey): MD11, Medellín (Colombia); End of the World (Argentina) and Biennal of Mercosur (Brasil), between others.

She awarded First Prize for Visual Art Federico Klemm in 2016. Between 2004 and 2008 she also received awards from the Cultural Chandon, OSDE Foundation and Andreani Foundation.

Recent individual exhibitions: « Prosa del Observatorio », 2017, MUSAC Contemporary Art Museum of Castilla y León, Spain. « Who says what to whom », 2016, Bacelos Gallery, Madrid. « Magic-Postivism » 2015 at Ignacio Liprandi Contemporary Art Gallery, “ Beast of burden” Kimura Gallery, University of Alaska. Groupal exhibitions recent: “The matter of photography in the Americas, Cantors Art Center, Stanford University, USA; “Trasncultural Flux”, Stiftelsen314, Bergen , Norway; “ Latin America Rooming Art, NC arte in Bogotá amongst others.